Friday, January 23, 2015

Down the Rabbit Hole

Around this time last year while playing on Face Book, I came across Pat Sloan's Globetrotting quilt along.  The idea of a mystery quilt and the fact that her friend Debby Brown was going to also follow along and show you how to do it as a quilt along had me hook line and sinker.  This was the push I needed to gain some confidence to try free motion quilting...and for the last year I have not looked back.  Although that first quilt isn't exactly finished (although it will be) I decided to make a second quilt but not do it as a QAYG.  The quilt along was technically over and I knew what the finished product would look like so I asked my husband to pick out the colors and fabrics.

I have to say the color palette he chose is not one that I would have chose which is part of the reason I asked for his help.  Sometimes it's good to get out of our comfort zone.  I was determined not to let this top fall into the dreaded category of UFO, so I printed out a blank copy of the layout, poured a glass of wine and went to the drawing board.
After maybe a few glasses of wine (over a few days) I finally came up with my crazy plan.  I have found that drawing something out helps me stay on track and figure out how I'm going to tackle things.  The next big question is with what shall I quilt it?  Can I decide on one over all thread color or go crazy with the colors that are on the quilt?  Of course crazy color wins!  Bring on the Aurifil threads!

After 3.5 hours quilting time this week (thanks to the handy stopwatch on my phone) I finally have the center square of the quilt and all of the "ditch" stitching finished.  The design for the most part has stayed the same as the drawing. 

One block down...only 12 more to go!


1. Sandra Walker said...

Okay I'm lurking...holy Hanna I gazed for some time at your drawing...stunning. And the execution of that centre block is perfect...I am so impressed. Why did you change the ribbon candy? Not that I'm complaining; I've used that same dot to dot design on a few places and I love it.

2. Tish Stemple said...
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3. Tish Stemple said...

Is it working?

4. Tish Stemple said...

Is this working....take 2

5. Tish Stemple said...

Take 3

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