Friday, November 27, 2015

Mini Barn Quilts

If you have been to my blog before, I don't think that it's a mystery that I love things that are miniature (except candy bars, those should always be supersized).  At barely 5 ft tall, I'm practically miniature myself.   So when Terri Ann over at Childlike Fascination announced her brain child Mini Barn Quilts, I knew that I had to have some.  I have a few people on my Christmas list that I thought would appreciate these tiny creations, so I ordered four to assemble during my week off from work.

The first items of business was to acquire Mod Podge, brushes and wood glue, then sort through my fat quarters (and of course purchase a few more) for smaller print fabrics.  Scale is very important for this project.  Once I decided on fabrics, I could begin using the Mod Podge to adhere the fabric to the wooden pieces so that they could dry overnight.  The next morning, I used an x-acto knife to cut out my pieces.

Before I glued the pieces to the base, I arranged them to make sure everything fit together they way I wanted them too.

Now for a step that I almost missed...or rather almost forgot.  When you take the small wooden pieces out of the bag and begin adhering your fabric, pay attention.  One side is the wooden surface and the other has a paper covering.  You glue your fabric to the wooden side and then peel the wooden paper off the other side before you glue it to the base.  I was so excited to start gluing to the base I almost forgot.

In no time at all I had my four mini barn quilts finished, two Missouri Star kits and two Flocks of Swallows.

So, if you are just looking for a change of pace project or need an idea for a loved one, head over to Mini Barn Quilts and give them a try.

My last thought before I leave...I wonder if I can con someone into building me a miniature barn for my barn quilt?

Come join the party!  Today I'm linking up with Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh QuiltsMain Crush Monday at Cooking Up QuiltsRichard and Tanya Quilts and Can I Get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


1. Lorna McMahon said...

Your mini barn quilts turned out so sweet! Love your fabric choices. Looks like you are having a very productive week off!

2. Mary said...

These are super cute! They remind me of mosaics. I've made lots of mosaics with glass but never wood (only as the substrate). Thanks for sharing!


3. Sandra Walker said...

Those are just darling, and I love your idea for a miniature barn on which to display them. As for mosaics, I, too, thought of those right away; I adored my wooden ones I had as a kid. Often made stars with the diamonds...loved stars right from the get-go!

4. Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

These are great. I've been eyeing them but haven't ordered any yet.

5. Cheryl said...

I love your versions of the mini barn quilts! So cute!

6. Jean Belle said...

Wow! Love those adorable little barn quilts. Thanks for sharing them, and how to find them.

7. Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

They look great! I totally forgot to pull the paper off the backs of mine, by the way. :)

8. Cathy said...

They are gorgeous!! I absolutely love them.

9. Terri Ann @ said...

Tish your blocks came out so wonderful! I'm so glad you've had such fun putting them together and I adore your color combinations! I actually want to find a way to make the paper side a bit more obvious so it isn't missed by anyone else, if you have any suggestions I'm happy to hear them!

10. Jayne said...

These are so great! I love seeing them all of them together! What a fun gift to give or recieve!

11. Karen in Breezy Point said...

OMG--they are adorable! Of course you absolutely have to have a miniature barn now--lol!

12. Anonymous said...

They are lovely!

13. Allison said...

I just love mixed media projects, especially if it is glueing fabric... to anything! These are just so adorable and so mini - these will make such fantastic gifts! I just finished up on my own mini streak that I had been on for several weeks... I'm glad to be back to normal size again.

Greetings from Germany!

14. SarahZ said...

Totally adorable! I think you definitely neeeeed a miniature barn...or at least a mini barn design wall....?

15. Unknown said...

They came out SO adorable! I love it!

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